
Condition assessment and determination of material

Before treatment, a detailed study ​​of the object will be made in which information concerning the reasons for and degree of decay, aging and restoration history (damage assessment and damage mapping), technological observations to production techniques and materials used and (mineralized) organic residues are listed and evaluated.

Development of treatment concepts

Subsequent to the condition assessment and technological results and after consultation with the client or customer, a treatment concept is resolved.


Each treatment is accompanied by a written and photographic documentation. Thus, pre-, during- and final states of the object, the treatment conducted and the materials used as well as technological and scientific findings are recorded.
According to the specifications of the customer to type (storage media, file formats) KOROLNIK RESTORATION offers

  • Digital Photos
  • slides
  • Black and White
  • Colour Negative
  • Macro shots
  • mapping

Inventarisation and catalogueing